Flare Tip Models
Nutara can supply complete Flare Systems as well as Flare Tips on their own for replacement or upgrade and refurbishment projects. The following standard Flare Tips are available:
- EP-PF - Pipe Flare
- EP-EAS - External Assist Steam
- EP-IAS - Internal Assists Steam
- EP-EAS/IAS - External/Internal Assist Steam
- EP-AA - Air Assist
- EP-GA - Gas Assist
- EP-CAA - Compressed Air Assist
- EP-HP-PF - High Pressure Pipe Flare
- EP-HP-MAS - High Pressure Multi Arm Sonic
- EP-MP - Multi Point
- EP-BP - Burn Pit

Nutara Venturi Flame Shield (VFS)
Nutara has developed the proprietary Venturi Flame Shield giving double protection against flame lick. The VFS also pushes air up towards tip exit, leading to an enhanced and more stable combustion process.
The VFS can be integrated into most Nutara Flare Tips but is particularly suitable for H2S flares, ammonia flares, hydrocarbon flares and lean waste gas flares.

Nutara can supply complete flare systems which include knock-out vessels, water seals, molecular seals, conical purge gas seals, pilots and ignition systems. Additionally, Nutara has developed a unique ATEX zone O vapour extraction system for use in conjunction with VRU’s, combustors, flares and thermal oxidisers.

Nutara supplies the upstream equipment to remove droplets from gases or provide a seal between the flare burner and the waste gas piping in order to prevent air from infiltrating the flare riser and thus prevent flash back. Purge gas is employed to prevent flash back by stopping air ingress to the flare gas header. Molecular seals and also Conical seals are both devices that reduce purge gas flow rates. Conical seals will require a slightly
higher purge gas flow rate than a Molecular seal, but have the advantage of a simpler more economic design. This design cannot be blocked by debris, sludge or ice formation and does not put additional load on the flare structure, being integral to the flare riser. Although purge systems are the perfect solution for flash back prevention, the flow of purge gas can always be lost. A water seal can be installed to provide a resistance to flame propagation upstream in the waste gas piping.
Vessels can be supplied either as an integral part of a flare system or as stand alone items. Both vertical, typically integrated with the Flare riser, or horizontal configurations are available.


- Water Seal Vessels equipped with an overflow weir to maintain a minimum water level, anti-pulsation baffles and a dip-pipe with distribution cone forcing the waste gas to flow through the water bath
- Molecular Seals are equipped with a riser pipe and cap to either form a layer of purge gas on the top, when the purge gas is lighter than the air, or on the bottom when the purge gas is heavier than the air of the vessel
- Conical Seals are in fact an inverted conical restriction made as a section of the riser. This restriction will locally induce a higher waste gas velocity which in turn entrains any penetrating air and carries it up to the flare burner
- A liquid level control with automatic draining prevents the vessel from overfilling

- EP-WS Water Seal Vessel
- EP-MPRS Molecular Purge Reduction Seal
- EP-CPRS Conical Purge Reduction Seal
- EP-KOD Knock-Out Drum

Ignition System
Nutara ignition systems and pilot burners have been developed for their continuous reliable operation in harsh environments and in all weather conditions. High grade alloys are used and critical parts are mounted in protective housings to ensure the long lifetime of the equipment. Both High Energy electronic spark ignition and flame front ignition systems are offered.
Flame Front Ignition (FFG) systems have been used as the workhorse of the flare industry for many years.
The FFG pilot ignition line is filled with a combustible gas/air mixture, then ignited by a spark on the ignition skid to generate a flame front travelling through the ignition line up to the flare burner. This flame front subsequently ignites the pilot gas and the waste gas in the flare burner. Both manual and automatic flame front ignition systems can be offered.
High Energy Electronic spark ignition uses a high voltage electric arc to ignite the combustible pilot air-gas mixture. The arc is generated at fixed intervals for a limited period of time.
- EP-ESPI - Electronic Spark Ignition
- EP-FFGI - Flame Front Ignition
- EP-CIS Combined Electronic and FFG
Ignition systems can be supplied with either Manual or Automatic ignition controls, or a combination of both. For safe areas and for explosion proof areas, either onshore or offshore and with retractable or non-retractable ignitor rods.

Pilot Burners
Pilot burners can combine one or more of the ignition systems described above and with a continuous flame to ensure that combustible waste gas mixtures are always ignited and combusted. Nutara pilot burners have the following features:

- High Energy Ignition to ensure reliable ignition regardless of moisture levels, dirt or atmospheric conditions
- Ignition rod, spark plug and thermocouple are housed in the main pilot body for added protection and prevent exposure to high temperatures
- Made from high grade stainless steel alloys Pilot burners can be supplied with Single or Duplex Thermocouples or Thermocouples plus Ionisation detection.
- Self-aspirating venturi mixers or with forced draft air
- High temperature cable with pre-wired plug and socket connections AC or DC electronics